
2014-03-16 6:58 pm
價錢和B牌子比較後超過50% 的產品你要多加留意.
You should pay more attention to the product if which compare a price with B Company was more than fifty percent.


回答 (6)

2014-03-16 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
句子翻譯/文法(1) 價錢和B牌子比較後超過50% 的產品你要多加留意.
You should pay more attention to the (productX- use plural) products (if which compare a price with B Company was more than fifty percentX.- grammatical mistakes) whose prices are 50% more when compared with those of Brand B.

(2) 請提交不能處理項目的情況以及盡快將剩餘的項目處理.
Please submit the (list列表X-not in the Chinese sentence) details of (unsettled未處理=/=不能處理)unsettleable items (situationX- replaced with details) and settle all the remaining items asap.

2014-03-16 12:54:41 補充:
1.You should pay more attention to the products whose prices are 50% more when compared with those of Brand B.

2.Please submit the details of unsettleable items and settle all the remaining items asap.

2014-03-17 16:38:34 補充:
第2句前面"不能處理項目"如譯作"unsettled items"意思就和後面剩餘(要處理的)項目一樣,分開來說就意思矛盾了,一邊說"不能處理",跟著又說"盡快處理",和中文意思不符,所以"不能處理項目"要譯作"unsettleable items"。

2014-03-17 16:52:17 補充:
Please submit .. unsettled items ...and settle all the remaining items asap(請提交....未處理項目...,再盡快處理餘下項目。).
2014-03-21 5:43 pm
You should pay more attention to the product if which compare a price with B Company was more than fifty percent.
Amendment:You should pay more attention to those products within which price was higher than 50% as compared with that of the B trade name.
Please submit the list of unsettled items situation and settle all the remaining
items asap.
Amendment:Please submit a list of unsettled items' details and then ensure to deal with the rest asap.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-03-18 12:02 am
You should pay more attention to the product if its price is fifty percent more than Company B. Please submit the list of unsettled items status and settle all the remaining items ASAP.

例如unsettled跟unsettlable根本都是一樣結果(當然嚴格分析字義可分別指: 你還未處理 和 你沒辦法處理,明示對方有些是應該做但未做和那些是嘗試做但技術上無法完成。要看你是否要如此細緻指出要求的list是那種類。

你反而要學status這個字。任何指狀況/情況/處境都可以用這個商業社會的用詞。這個字亦可用於社交和交換個人資料:例如martial status即是婚姻狀況是單身/已婚/離婚...而job status/work status/employment status可指你職位/職責/任務或在職/無業...
2014-03-17 5:14 am
After comparing price with Brand B product, you should pay attention to 50% of the product.
2014-03-16 7:46 pm
建議到Google 翻譯完成!
參考: google
2014-03-16 7:41 pm
(1)And when price Company B brand product makes comparison more than 50% need to pay more attention.

(2)Please submit the lists of unsettled items situation and act and settle them accordingly. (adv)

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