本身係英國留學可唔可以再申請當working holiday

2014-03-16 2:58 pm
係英國都一段時間,想問可唔可以申請英國 working holiday?洗唔洗要等本身既visa完左再番香港再申請?由申請到攞到簽證大概要等幾耐?我有BNO 如果加上其他條件都可以達到 申請成功應該冇問題? 請好好答問題 唔好剩係copy & paste網上資料

回答 (2)

2014-03-16 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes - but what's the point?

2. The visa needs not to be expired. But you must make sure that you have never violated any U.K. immigration law while in the U.K.

3. Same as last time.

4. See #1. As you have previous experience in the U.K., so why do you need a working holiday visa? I will say this is the key concern for the U.K.

2014-03-17 03:55:45 補充:
Since you have a U.K. visa already, so one of the thing that the Consulate will check is if you have violated any immigration law when you are in the U.K as a condition of approval.
2014-03-18 1:54 am
如果係想做野而拎experience 的話, 應該係搵份工而個公司係可以幫你做tier 2 visa 咁會比working holiday 好一d

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