please teach me how to do this

2014-03-15 8:57 pm
need to do this by using conditional sentences(primary 5)

14 March 2014

Dear Diary,

What a terrible cloudy day! I spent all my recess time standing in the corridor today because I did not finish my homework on time.

"If you ________________(work) hard, you ______________(not have) good result," the teacher said.
"son, if I _____________(be) you, I ____________(work) even harder,"my mum said.
I told my mom, "I _____________(finish) all the homework on time if I _________(be) Superman."
My father told me, "If you ___________________(keep) making excuses for you mistakes, you ________________(not learn) anything."


回答 (3)

2014-03-15 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Dear Diary,

What a terrible cloudy day! I spent all my recess time standing in the corrido today because I did not finish my homework on time.

"If you __do not work____(work) hard, you __will not have___(not have) good result," the teacher said.
"son, if I __were____(be) you, I __would work___(work) even harder,"my mum said.
I told my mom, "I __would finish____(finish) all the homework on time if I ___were__(be) Superman."
My father told me, "If you ____keep______(keep) making excuses for you mistakes, you ___will not learn____(not learn) anything."

2014-03-17 1:21 am
Teacher's one:
If you don't work hard, you will not have good result.

My mum's one:
son, if I were you, I would work even harder.

Told my mum:
I would finish all the homework on time if I were superman.

Father told me:
If you keep making excuses for your mistakes, you will not learn anything.
參考: 我..希望幫到你:)
2014-03-16 4:32 am
"on" Monday.


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