F.4 Chem pls help 20點!!!

2014-03-15 5:12 pm
1) Isn't that acid must be dissolved in water? Then, why there is something
called solid citric acid and aqueous ?

2) " when hydrochloric acid dissolves in water, the hydrogen chloride molecules ionize...."
Isn't that hydrogen chloride molecules have already separated as ions when dissolved in water and then become acid? Then,why hydrochloric acid dissolves in water and the hydrogen chloride molecules ionize again ?

回答 (4)

2014-03-16 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please read :


參考: Uncle Michael
2014-03-16 5:43 am
己式庚辛:He is just a S.4 student.

2014-03-15 21:44:46 補充:
I think it is the problem of language. Kwok does not well understand the question.

2014-03-25 21:04:01 補充:

候選編號 001 (Kwok) 顯然是答非所問,但從投票數字來看,沒有人看得出來。
2014-03-16 2:06 am
When one talks about pure (cold) hydrofluoric acid and sulfuric acid, which also show acid properties... *giggle*
Of course they are kind of exceptional cases, so...
2014-03-15 10:19 pm
1.  當一個物質不溶於水,沒有酸鹼性可言,例如不能使石蕊試紙變色,不會和活潑金屬(例如鎂)反應產生氫等等,原因是酸分子沒有電離(ionization),不存在氫離子 H⁺。亦因此固體檸檬酸(citric acid)不呈現酸性。

2.  HCl 常態下是氣體,是共價分子,沒有氫離子,沒有酸性,乾的 HCl 氣體不能使石蕊試紙變色。當溶解到水中,會全部100%電離為 H⁺ 和 Cl⁻ 而呈現酸性。

2014-03-26 00:18:52 補充:

Isn't that acid must be dissolved in water?

Isn't that acid must be soluble?


但 檸檬酸 的水溶液是呈酸性的,例如 舆鎂反應產生氫。或使石蕊試紙變色等。


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