Window 7 change back to XP

2014-03-14 5:13 pm
請問如何將Window 7 change back to XP, do I need to do some format??? and
how?? Please

但其實我唔知怎樣做, 可否祥細告知?? 先謝謝!!


Thanks Wing !!

回答 (2)

2014-03-14 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2014-03-15 8:48 pm
It's easier to use English for computer jargons.

You have two options here for this task.If you have the XP installation CD with the key, back up all your data files etc in Win 7 to an external Drive or USB. Take your time to search and back up all files you must keep. Now load the CD. When message says all set up files have been loaded into your RAM, pop it out of the CD drive. Reload it again. Follow prompts to go for new (clean) installation, select full format for drive C: (if this is your active drive) and NTFS for file system. The CD will wipe everything on your C: drive. Follow prompts on screen for system settings (region, language etc) until finished. System will reboot into XP. Now copy your saved files back in and it's all done. This might take a litlle longer than step 2 but if your have the XPCD, this is a better choice because it's mostly automatic with little risk for error. By the way, this gives you a fresh XP environment that is fast and responsive. Second method only works if you upgraded to Win 7 via an upgrade Win 7 CD instead of a full edition. On top of this, you must have the Windows.old file created by the upgrade in your C: drvie which is the XP system itself. If you do have and want to do it this way. Go to the following link. Print the 12 steps on paper then follow it carefully. However, this requires tedious typing DOS commands when rolling back from Win 7 to XP folder. Some people might find it tough and risky. For any mistake, you could be stuck and forced to revert to step 1 anyway. Step by step roll back from Win 7 to XP (installed by upgrade CD)

2014-03-15 12:50:59 補充:
So weight your risks against benefits before you start. Remember to check you have all the necessary tools (installation CD, back up USB etc) on hand before you move
參考: Windows know how (part 1), Windows know how (part 2)

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