有誰知道嗎?Anybody knows why ?

2014-03-14 8:30 pm




This is really nothing but a trivia. I am just curious. I discovered lately that when I post a question, like now, knowledge + would say I am 博士4級, but when I answer, I would become 碩士1級.

I am puzzled so I spent some times looking up their classification regulations. Looks like 博士4級 is right. The problem is, shouldn't the software call the same subroutine to determine who I am ? If so, how can I have different identities ?

Does anybody know why or have the same experience so they can shed some light to my confusion ?

Out of curiosity, I did ask Yahoo and as I expected, their answer is a software generated form letter. Basically, Yahoo has no resource allocated to knowledge + and this database is all on its own. What an answer !

回答 (4)

2014-03-15 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
[Since you raised your question in the English Board instead of the Free Resources Board, I shall give my response in English as well.]

MingLam, I know the reason, and this is my honour to reply you.
[Actually I always left my words in the comment boxes in your (answer) posts, I am not sure whether you noticed that...]


Actually your situation is the one which reaches an embarrassing moment.

This is because the difference in standards between 碩士級(台灣稱專家)and 博士級(台灣稱大師)accounts for not only the number of answers, but also the percentage of adoption.

等 級│回答數│採用率│功能權限1 級2 級3 級4 級5 級100090080070060060%60%60%60%60%.文章、評論:30次/每日 (額度共用).發問、回答:50次/每日.投票、評價、意見:50次/每日.檢舉、寄信:50次/每日.詳細答問知識分佈圖、擅長領域.可用HTML編輯工具、贊助問題、個人圖示.邀請別人加入知識友:50 次/每日
等 級│回答數│採用率│功能權限1 級2 級3 級4 級5 級50045040035030050%50%50%50%50%.文章、評論:20次/每日 (額度共用).發問、回答:40次/每日.投票、評價、意見:40次/每日.檢舉、寄信:40次/每日.詳細答問知識分佈圖、擅長領域.可用HTML編輯工具、贊助問題、個人圖示.邀請別人加入知識友:40 次/每日
你於現在這一刻絕對是博士級 4 級,不用懷疑,但為何系統會評定你為碩士級 1 級呢?因為你剛剛(於3題最佳解答前)才把採用率提升至 60%。
Your current level is in no doubt 博士級 4 級, but why the system would regard you as 碩士級 1 級? This is because you just reached the 60% threshold of adoption requirement, just before 3 questions you finished.

430/715 = 60。14% > 60%
429/714 = 60。08% > 60%
428/713 = 60。03% > 60%
427/712 = 59。97% < 60%

Therefore, you was just promoted to 博士級.

Nonetheless, the system only updates daily (in between midnight and 2 a.m.), so your profile will be officially updated tomorrow.

但如果你現在試在意見欄發表,相信你可以顯到為博士級 4 級。你可以試試。
If you try to post some comments now, I believe that the system can reveal that you are now 博士級 4 級. You can have a try.

This is because I realized that the individual level of member is updated in time for the comment boxes.

2014-03-14 20:41:12 補充:
│ .π‿π │
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Pi Day 果然是大日子!!

2014-03-14 23:38:14 補充:



2014-03-16 04:14:12 補充:

It is really strange, your profile is still not updated...

2014-03-16 04:19:04 補充:
You are correct, they consider the same word count for Chinese character and English character, then of course it is more efficient to use Chinese in this regard.

2014-03-17 05:57:40 補充:


Ming Lam 兄,你的檔案沒有更新...

2014-03-18 13:10:34 補充:
Thanks, I also hope that the Yahoo! system will improve.

Many of us hope so...

2014-03-22 16:44:15 補充:

The system is really strange.

2014-03-16 12:18 pm
For those who are interested Math will know yesterday was the Pi Day.
Thank you folks on commenting on this question.

2014-03-22 09:57:58 補充:
To my surprise, I received a notice from Yahoo knowledge + database today telling me that I have been promoted to 博士 4 級. So the system finally corrected by itself. Wonderful.

我今天出乎意料收到奇摩知識+寄來一封通知,說我已升級成為 博士 4 級。想不到這系統原來還有自我修復的能力,不錯。
2014-03-15 6:53 am
2014-03-15 4:34 am

I never realized that the above was English?

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