Poll: What's your favorite movie that's based on a book by Stephen King?

2014-03-14 1:57 am

回答 (8)

2014-03-14 2:09 am
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I like Stephen King's The Shining
2014-03-14 4:03 am
The Shining; and even though It (the clown) wasn't a book or movie it's still one of my favorites.
2014-03-14 2:13 am
Stand By Me
2014-03-14 2:11 am
2014-03-14 2:10 am
The Shining. Have you watched the tv series Under the Dome? It's watchable, but not nearly as good as the book!
2014-03-14 1:58 am
The Stand or Pet Sematary, but mostly The Stand.
參考: Only Stephen King adaptation I didn't like was Desperation.
2014-03-14 1:57 am
Carrie, or Misery.
2014-03-14 1:57 am
I like Misery. What about yourself?

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