Help please in this calculation?

2014-03-13 4:50 pm
i took a loan of Rs.1000 from one friend and Rs.500 from another friend. while on my way to shop i lost Rs.1000. then i bought Rs.300 items from shop. now i have Rs. 200.

now i returned Rs.100 each to both of my friends. now i have to pay Rs.900 to one friend and Rs.400 to the other.

now check the following calculation

amount to be returned to 1st friend=900
amount to be returned to the 2nd friend=400
amount spent at shop = 300
Total amount=900+400+300=1600

Now the total amount should be 1500 from where i get this extra 100Rs????????????????

回答 (7)

2014-03-13 5:12 pm
Since you returned all the money you had left, the amount that is still to be returned (900 + 400) must clearly be the same as the amount of money you spent or lost (1000 + 300).

The total amount you borrowed (1500) is the amount of money you already returned (200) plus the amount that is still to be returned (900 + 400, or 1000 + 300).

So the 1500 you borrowed is 900 + 400 + 200, or 1000 + 300 + 200. Note that when you added 900 + 400 + 300, in effect you added 1000 + 300 + 300 and so counted the 300 you spent at the shop twice (instead of once) instead of counting the 200 you had left before you returned any of the money.

So adding the wrong amount of money causes missing or extra money in this type of a puzzle!

Have a blessed, wonderful day!
2014-03-13 5:01 pm
U did the wrong calculation..
look at it this way :
Total amount u took frm ur frnds - 1000+500=1500
U lost 1000 and spent 300, which means in a way u spent -1000+300=1300
and therefore u have now (1500-1300 )= 200 left and u gave 100 to each frnd
2015-08-14 6:39 pm
Rs.100/- extra are getting added which are given to person from whom 1000/- has been taken and are given from the money left from 500/- after spending Rs.300/-
2014-03-13 5:02 pm
The mistake is in adding the Rs.300 spent at the shop to the amount you owe your friends.

The amount you owe your friends is computed as follows:
900 + 400 = 1300

Included in that 1300 is the amount you lost and the amount you spent:
1000 + 300 = 1300

These balance out exactly as expected.
2014-03-13 5:01 pm
It should be:
Amount borrowed = 1000 + 500 = 1500

Amount lost + amount spent + amount paid back = 1500
1000 + 300 + 200 = 1500
2014-03-13 5:01 pm
It doesn't make sense to add the amount spent at the shop to the amount owing to your friends.

The amount owing to your friends already includes the amount you spent at the shop; that may be why you borrowed the money in the first place!

The amount owing to your friends is 900 + 400 = 1300. You should add the 200 in your possession to get the total amount you borrowed: 1500
OR: Add the 1000 that you lost, plus 300 that you spent, plus 200 in your possession, to get the total amount you borrowed: 1500
2014-03-13 4:59 pm
Don't get confused



G=200 given back


where x is friend1
y is friend2
w is spent on way back
s is shoped
lokk at it this way.....

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