Something wrong with my dog's tail?

2014-03-13 1:04 pm
My dog is a pomeranian 4 months now.

Since the first i adopt her 2 months ago her tail always curl up and closely sticking over her backs. it's look like she doesn't have a tail. she's never wag her tail at all..

is that normal?

it similar to this picture:

pomeranian have a fur so it's look like she doesn't have a tail. she always walk with that tail's position. even if she was excited etc...

i tried several times to move her tail down but she always move back her tail to the same position.

回答 (4)

2014-03-13 2:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pomeranian tails are supposed to curl tightly over their backs. Go to and look up Pomeranian. You will find pictures of exactly what the breed is supposed to look like.
If the Pom has the right coat, it will almost cover up the curled tail.
2014-03-13 2:27 pm
its all in the genetics (if there was no injury).. show breeders breed for certain characteristics like nice heads, shoulders, length of back, angulation etc etc and breed for these looks. some breeds want tails straight up and tail going over is considered a fault, some breeds have tightly curled tails.

you cant change the dogs tail set it is predetermined.
2014-03-13 4:59 pm
Pomeranian tails are NOT supposed to curl at all, they are to lay flat over the back and the tip of the tail coat should almost be up over the neck, If the tail curls like that pic of the pug then that is totally wrong for the pom breed, it was either pulled repetedly by a littermate and the tendon was stretched to cause it to curl . MY BF has show poms I know what the tails are supposed to look like and have also have groomed may poms in 30 yrs of grooming.

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