Calculation of bacteria(10pts)

2014-03-14 7:26 am
Here's the question :
"How many bacteria will be reproduced in 24 hours?
(Assumption : Generation time=20 mins ; unlimited food supply)"

My Questions :
1. What is the number of bacteria produced?
2. What is the formula for calculating the number of bacteria reproduced by using
the generation time?
Thx ! : )

回答 (2)

2014-03-14 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
設時間 t = 0 時,細菌數目為 N。

20 分鐘之後,變成 2N。 = 2XN。

再 20 分鐘之後,變成 4N。 = 2²XN。

再 20 分鐘之後,變成 8N。 = 2³XN。

n 個 20 分鐘之後,變成 = (2^n)XN。

2 的n次方乘N。

n 可由 24X60 / 20 計出

2014-03-13 23:58:38 補充:
n = 24X60 / 20 = 72

(2⁷²)N = 4.7X10²¹ N

2014-03-14 14:54:24 補充:
= [(2)^(t/20)]N

2 的( t / 20 )次方乘N,其中 t 的單位是分鐘。
2014-03-14 7:48 am
Actually I doubt your information.
I think you should know how many bacteria will be produced by one bacterium per 20 minutes?
4 Bacteria perhaps?

2014-03-13 23:49:07 補充:
Anyway, according to your information

1. If only one bacterium will be produced per 20 mins, simply divide 24 hours by 20 mins
(24 x 60) / (20) = 72 bacteria

2.General Formula:
(Total time taken for the bacteria to grow) / (time taken per bacteria) = total bacteria

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