solubility of organic compound

2014-03-13 10:37 am
如果我將non polar 既compound (例如ester) 加入水中,那必然不互溶.但如果加d正或者負離子入去,ester水中溶解度會因此而被提高嗎?

回答 (2)

2014-03-13 5:00 pm
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Ester contains polar -CO-OR group. Therefore, ester is polar but its polarity is not so high.
酯含有極性的 -CO-OR 基團,故酯呈極性,但極性不高。

Small esters (e.g. HCOOCH3) are miscible with water due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Adding ionic solution to the aqueous mixture containing ester would lower the miscibility of ester with water. In practice, concentrated sodium chloride solution is added to the reaction mixture of esterification in order to salt out the ester.
細小的酯(如 HCOOCH3­)與水互溶,原因是與水分子產生氫鍵。把離子溶液加進含酯的水溶液混合物,會降低水與酯的互溶性。在實驗中,把濃氯化鈉溶液加進酯化反應的反應混合物中,以鹽析出酯。

Hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions can enhance the hydrolysis of ester. The reaction rate of hydrolysis of ester increases when the concentration (not the ratio) of hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions increases.
參考: micatkie
2014-03-13 9:21 pm
Thanks you very much!!
But im not quite sure about the ''salt out '' thing, can u explain more about it ? Whats the mechanism involved in this reaction? How NaCl work ? What happen if i change the type of salt (e.g CaCl2, Ca(HCO3)2, NaHCO3) in the ester water mixture solution ?

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