我以一首經典名歌曲為例, Eagles - Hotel California :
On a dark desert highway,
>>>cool wind in my hair<<<歌詞網睇係 : 涼風吹過我頭髮, 但我就咁查字典就查左 : 涼風在我頭裡面(好唔make sense...)
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
>>>>>>There were voices down the corridor,<<<<<
歌詞網睇係 : 沿著走廊傳來陣陣說話聲....我就咁查字典查係 : 這裡是低聲走廊...又係完全唔Make sense.....
>>>They stab it with their steely knives,<<<歌詞網睇係 : 他們彼此用鋼刀互相刺....我就咁查字典查係 : 這裡是他們用他們的鋼刀刺唔知物物...又係完全唔明白.....
But they just can't kill the beast
最後我仲想問其實唔只剩係哩首歌我遇到哩D困難, 而係每一首都遇到哩D困難除左Jingle Bell 果D ^^ ....我好鍾意聽同唱英文歌,但唔明佢D 意思又認真無癮....如果我想查字典去理解岩晒一首歌既意思...到底係唔係有咩技咩特別技巧呢??? 請指教 :-)