Top 5 painful things?

2014-03-12 9:26 am
What are the your top painful things? By painful, I mean physically, not mentally.

My 5 are:

5. Ingesting a really hot meal very quickly
4. Needles and Tacks
3. Stepping on a lego
2. Being kicked in the scrotum
1. A burning plastic sticking in your skin

You guys' painful experiences are more serious than I thought.


You guys' painful experiences are more serious than I thought.

回答 (6)

2014-03-14 3:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Baseball to the nose
2)Toothache (wisdom tooth)
3)Neck spasm
4)Impact to the privates
5)Hockey stick to the teeth
2014-03-12 9:42 am
Burning my hand with a hair straightener
can't think of anything else now lol
2014-03-12 9:31 am
Not in order:

1) burning myself with an industrial 'hair' dryer (its not for hair)
2) period pain that I used to get
3) perceived 'betrayal' by the one I love (yes, physically painful) (I don't like him anymore so don't say I do! >:( )
4) plucking out an eyelash, ever tried that? Yowza (lol)
5) umm, yeh, stepping on a lego!
2014-03-12 9:31 am
In no order:
- Breaking my arm
- Breaking my other arm
- Lacerated knee
- Ear infection
- Dislocating my elbow
2014-03-12 1:06 pm
1. A headbutt to the nose
2. Spraining my ankle so bad I couldn't stand on it
3. A broken hand
4. Having a bad seizure and getting a headache afterwards
5. Picking at a hang nail and you end up picking good skin off
2014-03-12 10:10 am
1. Having a needle go into my back, hand and mouth
2. Being cut open for surgery and having staples instead of stitches
3. Having teeth removed and vomiting up blood
4. Burning my hand on a flat surface so badly that when I removed my hand, it ripped off my skin
5. Having my bone reset with only the help of laughing gas....which did not make me laugh and did not help
2014-03-12 9:45 am
Has to be, either breaking my nose after a punch to the face

falling in a thornbush

or the time i decided to drop in on a halfpipe with nothing but shoes on, and my friend shot me with a rubber band.

slamming my finger (and nearly losing it) in a car door.

slamming my finger (and nearly losing it) in a car door.

When my GF cheated on me with another dude... I mean um, I was trying to run up a slide when I was like 12 and I slipped and almost bit off my upper lip. The worst thing Ive ever seen though was my brother jumping off the top of a 12ft fence and slicing a huge gash into both arm from the elbow to his palms.... blood was everywhere.

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