Do Mars square Pluto indicates victims as well as fighters?

2014-03-11 11:56 pm
Mars in Pisces in the 3rd house
Pluto in Sagittarius in the 1st house

回答 (4)

2014-03-12 1:03 am
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Well Mars in Pisces could spell victim outright -- evading verbal confrontations at all costs; possibly passive-aggressive. Of course there's the "high" expression -- someone who fights for the one true voice -- or to empower others who can't speak for themselves. Pisces energy can be incredibly healing and generous -- expanding consciousness and acting on part of the collective voice -- or it can just become a passive mouthpiece, being puppeteered by those who are more comfortable and decisive with their message. Maybe a little of both?

Now add in the square to Pluto and the stew thickens. Your personal power is wrapped up in your message (3rd house being the house of communication). Square symbolizes friction ... so I wonder if there's a reason you would be reluctant to use your voice? Or it could be that you over-use it -- tune others out so can selfishly broadcast your agenda, fueled by some crippling insecurity. They both sound fun, right?

Maybe it's not so stark. Let's focus on the "high" expression. Using your voice -- or some mode of expression (writing, photography, comic strips?) to in a way that backs up the gravitas of your persona presence (Pluto in the 1st) with substance, with soul. Basically you run the risk of either being a undiscerning windbag for whom everything is relevant and then you come off as obnoxious or an incredibly incisive, empowered individual who has a way, again, of demonstrating/showing something which needs to be expressed to the public.

In squares, we oftentimes pick sides. Sometimes the tension is so great, we seesaw between the two energies. It's a lifelong work integrating both these energies so you can share the sweetness -- and not a rage machine. It's potentially a lot energy - which is great -- you just have to very consciously choose the outlet so you're not in a constant state of over-reaction, under-reaction.

Speaking of windbags, I just went off :)
2014-03-12 2:52 am
No i dont it believe it does. this energy is too dynamic, and can be either Predator or Protector, not victim. With Mars in Pisces, i would say it doesn't make this aspect softer and thus a victim: only that the approach is different.
參考: Studying astrology
2014-06-23 5:54 pm
Mars/Pluto square is a representation that the individual will go through "changes" in their lifetime. May it be spiritual, emotional or physical is according to the individuals life. Not every person with this aspect experience the same exact situations. Astrology does not work in that fashion.

Some people with this have many sexual experiences, some don't. Some people with this have violent experiences, some don't. It really does depend on the individual.

But I would never put "victim" and Mars square Pluto in the same category. Its too much power behind this aspect for ANYONE with it to be considered a victim. They either are protectors or predators nothing in between.
i don't think so. i have a mars square venus, ive been trying to channel my patience since forever

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