Is Aquarius and Sagittarius twins?

2014-03-11 11:22 pm
They act just alike.

回答 (7)

2014-03-12 12:14 am
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im a Sagittarius and my brother is an Aquarius and we do act so similar :) i guess the reason being that sagittarius is the sign of philosophy and higher thinking and expression on a wide level and aquarius is the sign of hopes and ideals on a large scales as well. ive met a lot of aquarius that i seem to mesh with very well :) same sense of humor as well haha
2014-03-11 11:34 pm
I know right
Aquarius and Libra are more alike.
2014-03-12 4:07 am
They aren't technically related, but they are both very independent souls. They both can seem wild and eccentric, but there are plenty of differences, too. Aquarius is more logical and fair, Sag is more firey and competitive.
2014-03-12 2:28 am
well im a Virgo and i often feel like a Cancer, but people always claim that i act like a Scorpio Lol, that i even "look" like a Scorpio they say, who cares i dont know im a Virgo thats it, Virgos are better than freakin Scorpios

the only cool scorpio placement is Pluto

as a generation it rocks
2014-03-12 1:07 am
Well the Aquarius people I've met like to have fun, get bored easily, but they arent wild. Now me im a Sagittarius nd I live everyday to its fullest without any regrets because tomorrow isnt promised. And also because we are careless. But Sagittarius and Aquarius is a great mixture, nd we arent that much similar. Aquarians arent as rude as us Sagittarius either.
參考: Im a Sagittarius
2014-03-12 7:30 am
as my knowledge Both Sagittarius and Aquarius are wonderful individuals with respect for growth and freedom in all relationships they have. They are similar in many ways and hence they greatly enjoy each other’s company. Each of them appreciates the need for eccentricity and supports each other in all the possible ways to achieve their sometimes dreamy and sometimes risky targets.
2014-03-11 11:58 pm
Sagittarius are the wild child of the zodiac. They are way different than all the signs. Similar to Sagittarius would be Gemini.

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