Arctan (tan 7π/4)?

2014-03-11 8:49 pm
Arctan (tan 7π/4):
Select one:
a. -π/4
b. 5π/4
c. 7π/4
d. 3π/4
e. None of these
please give the steps to the solution, thanks

回答 (2)

2014-03-11 8:58 pm
arctan is a bijection from R into (-pi/2 , pi/2)*and
pi is a period of tangent function:
as we have : tan(7pi/4) = tan(pi - pi/4) = - tan(pi/4)
we finally get :

arctan(tan(7pi/4)) = artan(tan(- pi/4)) = - pi/4

answer a.

hope it' ll help !!
2014-03-11 8:51 pm
arctan (tan (7π/4)) = - π/4

[arctan ranges from [- π/2, π/2] ]


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