急 ! F5 probability唔明 #35C

2014-03-11 12:40 am
請詳細步驟教我計下題 :


回答 (2)

2014-03-11 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wrong picture, anyway, the final position of x-coordinate is :
100 - 25 + 25/4 - 25/16 + ...
= 100 / [1 - (-1/4)]
= 80
y-coordinate is :
200 - 50 + 25/2 - 25/16 + ...
= 200 / [1 - (-1/4)]
= 180
Therefore, the final position of the ant is (80, 180).

2014-03-10 16:54:32 補充:
Sorry, y-coordinate is 160.
The final position is (80, 160)
2014-03-11 12:43 am
wrong picture?

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 20:17:43
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