急 ! F5 sequence 1題唔明 #35b

2014-03-10 7:45 pm
請詳細解釋下題原因 :


(b)答案 :The x coordinate of the final position ofthe ant= 100 / [1 - (-1/4)]= 80The y coordinate of the final position ofthe antThe first term = 50 [為甚麼這個不是200而是50 ? 而上部份也是用100]The common ratio = -1/4 The y coordinate of the final position ofthe ant= 200 - {50 / [1 - (-1/4)]} [為甚麼要用200 - ??]= 160The coordinates of the final position ofthe ant= (80, 160)

回答 (1)

2014-03-10 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為它以A作起點, 而x coordinate的first term是100(即從A到B)
y coordinate的first term是50(即從A到C)

2014-03-10 12:22:26 補充:

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