急 ! F5 sequence #ex2_1

2014-03-10 12:42 am
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2014-03-10 1:31 am
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Question 3

Note that [(2n-1)+1]/2 = n is the number of rods from the first longest to the shortest.

Consider an arithmetic sequence with first term being 160 and common difference -4.

T(n) = 32

160 + (n-1)(-4) = 32

160 - 4n + 4 = 32

4n = 132

n = 33

From the first rod of 160 cm to the 33th rod of 32 cm, the total length is
(160+32)*33/2 = 3168 cm

For the bottom part, there are 2*33-1-33 = 32 rods, starting from 36 cm to 160 cm, the total length is
(36+160)*32/2 = 3136 cm

Therefore, the total length is 6304 cm.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 20:18:38
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