
2014-03-09 11:27 pm
我MATHS用中文教的 (高中2班英文教 3班中文教)
我中三一定選PHYSICS (我MATHS很有天份)

回答 (1)

2014-03-15 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
eng will definitely affect your performance!!
how many years of IS you will have? 1-2?
since they are using the terms of eng, even you know the chin,effect exists. but no worries , you've got 2 years to get used to it, and IS included phy content, you would make it!

phy included maths, but not really a lot of maths, i don't know the wt content included in the coming high sch lvl, but applied maths, pure maths, influence maths among phy the most, rather than pure phy.

but for me, if you have already know you sure will choose phy, then no need to worry since you will have passion on the sub then you will look up the dictionary and make it through if there's barriers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 20:18:33
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