Poll- which email do you prefer?

2014-03-09 5:57 am
Yahoo or gmail? & why??
I prefer gmail to yahoo because yahoo sucks most of the time.

回答 (12)

2014-03-09 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Gmail. Yahoo admins don't want to do their jobs. I mean just look at Y!A for example.
2014-03-09 6:24 am
I use both, but gmail for personal stuff and yahoo for commercial stuff.
2014-03-09 6:24 am
I have both,take people seriously if they us their yahoo email on a resume
2014-03-09 6:14 am
I Have Yahoo but i'm making a gmail account now :(
2014-03-09 6:05 am
2014-03-09 6:02 am
2014-03-09 6:02 am
Easier access from my iPad.
2014-03-09 6:01 am
I don't use either. I like hotmail.
2014-03-09 5:59 am
Gmail, I just feel its the grown up version and I can't take people seriously if they us their yahoo email on a resume
2014-03-09 5:58 am
Gmail is best.

Yahoo is slower than turtle.
2014-03-09 5:57 am
Gmail because that's what I have
2014-03-09 6:03 am
I have both, but I rather use Yahoo...I can't even login to my gmail account anymore...it sucks!

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