
2014-03-09 3:23 am
1.Employer reported that one reporting accident on Dec-2013 which happened on 2-10-2013 due to the injured person did not report to him but reported to Labour Department directly on Dec 2013.

2.The worker is waiting for on-duty After the completion of the Injuries reported.

補充返第2句既意思先. 驚你地睇唔明我D英文 =_= 工人正在等待開工, 但要傷勢報告出左先可以.


第一句中文解釋: 雇主報告12月記錄了一單意外, 但單意外於10月發生 (雇主每個月都要報工傷,佢要解釋點解工人10月整傷12先黎報工傷) 由於工人10月受傷冇即時報告俾雇主,工人直到12月才報告俾勞工署. 雇主從勞工署得知後報告返呢單野.

回答 (5)

2014-03-09 2:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2014-03-09 06:59:53 補充:
雇主報告12月記錄了一單意外, 但單意外於10月發生
雇主從勞工署得知後報告返呢單野. 1.Employer reported that one reporting accident on Dec-2013 which happened on 2-10-2013 due to the injured person did not report to him but reported to Labour Department directly on Dec 2013.The employer reported an October accident in the December 2013 report because the worker who was injured in the accident never reported the accident to them. The employer only learned of the accident through the Labour Department after the worker reported it directly to them in December.第2句既意思工人正在等待開工, 但要傷勢報告出左先可以. 2.The worker is waiting for on-duty After the completion of the Injuries reported. The worker is now waiting to resume work pending the issuance of his/her injury report.

2014-03-09 07:09:32 補充:
1.工傷-industrial injury
The employer reported an October accident in the December 2013 report because... ---->
The employer reported late an October accident in the December 2013 industial injury report because...
2014-03-18 5:37 pm
1.Employer reported that one reporting accident on Dec-2013 which happened on 2-10-2013 due to the injured person did not report to him but reported to Labour Department directly on Dec 2013.
1) As far as the accident on October 2nd 2013 being concerned, the injured worker didn't report directly to his employer and to the Labour Department in December instead.
2.The worker is waiting for on-duty After the completion of the Injuries reported.
2) According to the labour's bylaw, the worker who was injured,should be then pending the sick report pirior to resume his work.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-03-09 7:21 am

原來我打D 英文真係得自己睇得明,

我補返啦, 希望各位能夠明白我中文既意思..

希望中文唔會1999 la...
2014-03-09 5:17 am
2014-03-09 5:07 am
1. [In December, 2013, the] employer reported [x that] [the] [x reporting] accident [x on Dec-2013 which] happened on [October 2 of the same year.] [This late report is] due to the [fact that the] injured [worker] did not [promptly] report [the accident] to [his employer,] but [x reported to] [the] Labour Department [himself around two months after in] December 2013.

2. The worker is [now] waiting [to resume his work, which is only possible] after the [the injury report is out].

2014-03-08 21:11:06 補充:
(...) but [x reported] to [the] Labour Department [himself around two months later in] December 2013.

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