hi 請大家幫改個英文名

2014-03-08 12:03 pm
本人:男 姓岑 喜愛運動
eg:岑先生改個仔個名叫阿 Bill,係咪想個仔俾人標參?

回答 (7)

2014-03-08 5:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我上任老闆叫做Kelvin Shum,有才幹有智慧,最緊要係關心每一個下屬,人人都尊敬佢。佢退休後,我地每年都會向佢拜年;生日同佢食壽誕。
Kelvin Shum 加埋一齊,發音響亮,音節明快。推薦叫Kelvin。
2014-03-12 5:17 pm
Jacob Kim
William Kim
Rayan Kim
2014-03-09 1:03 am
Go to this website la,you can see a lot of english names:)
Choose your favourite xd
參考: Me
2014-03-08 9:06 pm
推薦叫 Isaac
2014-03-08 6:30 pm
Variant spellings on the suggestion on an English name ,not Chinese name at work is needed;eg:-Bill Shum=Kelvin Shum=sound the louder. And the forms are given only on Letters B and K on Common first male names:-
Asron, Allan, Austin, Benjamin,
Billy, (William), Brian, Cameron, Charles, Darren,
Keith, Kenneth, Kevin, Kieran,
Lawrence, Logan, Michael, Norman, Randolph, Russell, Victor, Vincent.
Would recommend the above 22 names;
Simply pick one sounds best to you.
2014-03-08 3:58 pm
工作上-.- 點都有個英文名 比較好 so thx yousuggestion
2014-03-08 3:16 pm
其實英文名都唔係好重要姐- -,通常我都係比人叫我中文名既,你好想人地叫你英文名咩???點知一陣好多人都叫個個名姐…………

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