Not a single deity has been demonstrated to exist. Why?

2014-03-08 4:11 am
Do you think it's at anytime necessary to discuss anymore about theology knowing this point? I think this is sufficient enough for (Disbelief)

回答 (10)

2014-03-08 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
God is defined as Omni-!
That means ALL inclusively One!
The entirety of existence/Reality!
I see Us all over the place, you?
According to that definition, the 'evidence' is quite abundant!
Accordingly, you can not offer any evidence of anything in existence, ever, that is NOT 'God/Us'!
Everything, when examined closely enough, is 'mind-stuff', whether the sun, diamonds or poop! All Mind!

There is only One (unchanging, ALL inclusive) Reality!
Some call Us God, others Nature...
We're all different Perspectives of the One Reality (call Us what you like)!
One Omni- 'Self!'!

Now, the question is whether your head is lodged too deeply up your own 'beliefs'/biases/ego', or if you actually have the ability to think about what I just said, and forget all that you think that you know, at least for a moment...
2014-03-08 4:30 am
Has it ever occurred to you that an all-powerful being isn't just going to let his creations measure him, do you?

And if a deity did appear in a form that all humanity would accept, it would essentially destroy the concept of free will, as only a fool would choose not to follow him.
參考: How's that some theology for ya???
2014-03-08 4:14 am
Scientifically, it is impossible to prove or disprove the presence of a deity
2014-03-09 4:13 am
Take $1 billion and spend it all on the world's best cutting-edge laboratory, then produce one single blade of grass
2014-03-09 12:05 am
But God has been demonstrated to exist.
2014-03-08 4:40 am
"God is revealed on an individual level. You haven't found Him because you haven't looked hard enough. Jesus said "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" (Matthew 7:7) God didn't set Himself up to be a science experiment to be trumped by the intellectual curiosities of His creation.

But a better question is one for you to answer. Why has science not been able to disprove the existence of God? And to've continued the logical fallacy. You're assuming that God is imaginary. That is something nobody has ever demonstrated and flies in direct contradiction with the testimonies of millions, including a number of personal witnesses. A court of law can convict a man of murder based on the testimony of two men. We have far more than that who testify that God DOES exist. Yet you and others reject that testimony because you can't find God in a test tube. AMAZING!!!
2014-03-08 4:23 am
So you say to dirt you made me and to a block of wood you are my father. Jeremiah 2:27
參考: Grimlock
2014-03-08 4:19 am
It really never was necessary to discuss theology.
It's often stated here "you can't prove that God doesn't exist".
I think that the proper answer to that is that:
1) You can't prove that imaginary things don't exist, and,
2) If you can't prove that God exists, God is imaginary.
Therefore, as I said, theology never was necessary. It was recognized even in the Middle Ages that you couldn't prove God's existence beyond the realm of human thought (imagination).
2014-03-08 4:13 am
Deities only exist in a persons imagination.
2014-03-08 4:13 am
Because ....... when something doesn't exist, it can't be proven to exist.

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