英文句子翻釋~! Thx~

2014-03-07 7:28 am
1. Gee thanks my sister for always having my back,and smacking some reality in my face.

2.How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,compassionate with the aged,sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong.

3.A covering for windows that stops light being seen from outside,or light from outside from coming into a room.

4."Less fortunate" in socialists systems are thoes who are willing to take a low living standard in return of a life of no work supported by welfare.

回答 (2)

2014-03-07 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 真多謝我姊時常支持我,並且向我當面指出叫我認清面對現實。

2. 你在人生路上走得多暢順在乎你對年輕人多點體諒,對年老人多點愛心,對力爭上游的人多點憐憫,對弱者和強者都多點耐性。

3. 把所有窗戶蓋住的這幅東西阻擋人看見外面的光線,亦阻擋光線進入房間內。

4. 「不幸*」在社會主義的系統中是指那些不依賴失業保障的福利而自願降低生活質素而生活的人。
*直譯原文的字義-但未可確定學術上這英文名稱的含意,社會學上Less Fortunate可指邊緣階層或低下階層或不被納入社會系統運作內的人士。
參考: 原文地道英語的句法非一般翻譯機器可處理
2014-03-07 7:37 am
英文句子翻釋~! Thx~
1. Gee thanks my sister for always having my back,and smacking some reality in my face.

2.How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,compassionate with the aged,sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong.

3.A covering for windows that stops light being seen from outside,or light from outside from coming into a room.

4."Less fortunate" in socialists systems are thoes who are willing to take a low living standard in return of a life of no work supported by welfare.





4. 「少」的社會主義者系統是那些誰願意採取低生活水平的回報沒有通過福利支持工作的生活。

2014-03-09 19:00:25 補充:
4. Less fortunate -- 不幸
because fortunate -----luck

2014-03-09 19:04:51 補充:
1. 哎呀!感謝我的姐姐總是在我的背後,當著我的面叫我認清並面對現實

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