follow up on / with

2014-03-06 8:51 pm
如果話 follow up d 嘢, 應該點講先啱: follow up on sth / follow up with sth / follow up sth? 因為我3樣都見過...


回答 (3)

2014-03-08 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Follow up with = to do something in addition to what you have done, in order to be certain of achieving your aim.

You should follow up the letter with a phone call. (= You should write first and then phone.)
He followed up his early findings with another study.

Follow up something = to try to find out more about something and perhaps do something about it.
Follow up on something ~ chiefly US

The police are following up all the leads.
He followed up the medical history of the patient.

He decided to follow up on his initial research and write a book.
He says that the police failed to follow up on his complaints.

詞語搭配: Follow up + ideas, clues, complaints, discussion, leads, matter

Follow up (intransitive verb with no object)

He complained several times, but the police never followed up.
The references in the book were too vague to follow up.

2014-03-08 10:48:55 補充:
No offence.
on or before next tuesday 和 with mr. john 是 preposition phrases 與 follow up 無直接關係
follow up on, follow up with 是 phrasal verbs.

the task must be follow up on or before next tuesday ~ 錯

The task must be followed up on or before next Tuesday.
Passive 應用 followed - past participle
參考: Merriam-Webster English Dictionary
2014-03-06 10:47 pm
THX!! can u give some examples?
2014-03-06 9:50 pm
on同日期有關,with 同人物有關。

2014-03-06 18:16:06 補充:
the task must be follow up on or before next tuesday

you can follow up with mr. john li on these matters

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