So I checked my credit report and it gave me interesting info....?

2014-03-06 6:02 am
I have an civil judgement (eviction) on my record....

I had some experience with my roommate and the scum left me with the lease. . .

The manager told me that I am responsible for the remainder of the lease and that if I don't pay for the month, he would evict me and charge me for the month during the eviction.. . so I just left. .

So he filed the the complaint

I had not been at the place and I just abandoned it, I had came back to get mail that had had a wide time frame for delivery (dmv ID and social security card) and was able to see a letter at the door of the apartment I had lived in. It was a summons, so I went to court motioned to quash the summons because I was not living there and am required to be delivered these notices by hand. . .Then I went to court to defend myself against the $1,300 judgement against me because it was unfair that they where tacking in the whole amount on me, when the roommate scum had his name, social security number and was the MAIN signer. . .

I didn't give any information besides my name. .
I did some research on the docket # my transunion report gave me, and the docket from the court has my last name spelled way different than mine.

Say e.g my last name is WILLIAMS but on the docket it says....WILLAEMS....

Do I just write a letter to the credit agency and tell them that the name on the docket does not match my name

Or what do I do?

回答 (5)

2014-03-06 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
It appears you're determined to do what you want and to look for loopholes and technicalities, rather than working through difficult situations.

My suggestion is to pay off the bill, fair or unfair.

Good luck!
2014-03-07 5:53 am
This really is a simple matter.

When you sign a lease, you are responsible for the entire payment, unless there is specific language in the lease that says otherwise.

You have a judgement agaisnt you, and asking to have it removed from your credit report because there is an extra E in your name is ridiculous.

Let's look at it another way...if you had a grandfather who died, and his will said that he left you $100,000 but he spelled your last name as Willaems, would you accept the fact that you didn't get the money because of that?
2014-03-06 5:22 pm
If you were on the lease agreement, then you are liable. Just because you left does not mean that the landlord cannot come after you in a court of law. This is serious, you should treat it that way. If the roommate was the MAIN signer, they are probably going after him also, but that does not clear you for financial liability. Leaving does not mean that you are not still bound by the contract. The spelling of your name does not matter, it might have been misinterpreted based on your signature, but if it was your signature, you are still on the hook for the amount owed.
2014-03-07 9:25 am
The mispelling is a typo and won't be a loophole to get you out of the judgment or the debt. Go ahead and do whatever you want. Folks responding here are just trying to help. We really don't care one way or the other.

Just don't come back here crying when the judgment is used to garnish your wages, attach bank accounts, or lien personal property.

By the way, if you manage to go to court and get the judgment set aside, that former landlord will just give you a new summons and sue again. Your really are liable for the lease term. The landlord can go after both or either one -- it's called joint and severely liable.
2014-03-06 2:26 pm
Are you MAD?

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