My husband says he does not like kissing?

2014-03-06 4:20 am
Anytime i try kissing him he says you know i don't like kissing or says nothing acts irritated pecks me and moves on.should i be concerned?

回答 (6)

2014-03-06 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
IF he was NOT like this prior to marriage, I would want to know why he suddenly did a "turn around" & all of a sudden not like something that didn't bother him before. IF you knew he was like this, tho't it would change after you got married, honey, you then should have known this is the type person he is. Nothing is going to change it. IF it's something "new", he wasn't like that before, I'd sure want to get to the bottom of it & find out why he's acting as he is. I'd say if you two do love each other, that should definitely be "worked on". I would suggest counselling.IF he doesn't want to go, you can always go yourself. The more you say, the more you'll receive back.I've done my fare share of counselling over the yrs. can say it does help. But, IF this is the type of person he always was, you married him in spite of it, I doubt he'll change unless counselling can be of help to you. I couldn't be in a marriage where no "love" was shown between my spouse & myself. I am a "warm" person, would only go for someone who was like me. Otherwise, he wouldn't appeal to me. It all depends on the situation & only you know that. You can't force someone to be something they're not. I HOPE you can get this settled so you're both happy, have a marriage of loving happiness...the best to you, honey...:)
2014-03-06 12:31 pm
A lot of people don't like to kiss so if hes been like this all along theres nothing to worry about. If its something new then its a red flag that something is amiss.
2014-03-06 12:21 pm
im more concerned that this is only now becoming an issue for you after you married him.....if you liked to kiss and he doesnt, why did you get so far with him?
2014-03-06 1:00 pm
I'd ask him...when did this become a problem? Is it my breath or style of kissing? I think we need to practice and change your mind. Suggest he try a makeout session.
2014-03-06 12:46 pm
Why did you marry hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim?
2014-03-06 12:22 pm
maybe it's only chicks he doesn't like to kiss.

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