Is this ok to use for a citation for a website?

2014-03-05 12:13 pm
I'm writing an essay for Uni, and I need to get some information on one of the writers to prove he has a good background in the subject, but the only place I can get good infomation on him is a website, I tend to try to not cite websites in my essay, but I have no choice here, this is the website....

and this is the citation I got, using an online citation site lol:

In-text: (Brown and &Raquo;, 2012)

Bibliography: Brown, D. and &Raquo;, V. 2012. Dr Keith Manchester appointed Honorary Visiting Professor of Palaeopathology at Bradford. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 5 Mar 2014].

回答 (1)

2014-03-08 3:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Be certain to give credit to the author

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