If a company wants you to send your resume by mail or drop off in person...?

2014-03-04 2:51 pm
... does this mean that this company, in particular the hiring manager, still lives in the 1950's?

回答 (4)

2014-03-04 4:36 pm
Nope, I don't think he/she from old school but it could be a test to see whether you are able to follow instruction or orders or a type who is defiant and cocky. Remember beggars are not choosers. If they say, send your resume by mail or drop off in person, just do it. Guess what, to show I will go for that extra mile and my enthusiasm/interest/integrity, I will send my resume by mail and then follow up by dropping it off in person to the secretary, receptionist/hiring manager, to make sure I get that darn job *
2014-03-04 2:52 pm
No. Sometimes they want to test your skills. Sometimes they want you to drop it off so they take a glance at you before.
2014-03-04 10:52 pm
No; there could be multiple reasons for it. Like others have said, they could want to see if you follow instructions, or there are saving money by not having to print out your resume (sounds crazy, but I had a former employer who would have done it for that reason). Maybe it is less work for them to do it that way.
2014-03-04 2:58 pm
It is good sign if a company wants your resume by whatever means.
Send it FedEx or anyway that draws attention to yourself.
and un-question your good fortune.
參考: A life less ordinary and automated laser monkeys.

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