Can I bring my iPad and a journal to Air Force BMT?

2014-03-03 12:13 am
the iPad isn't FOR Basic, I just want to use it to read (ALL my reading I do on my iPad now) on the ride there (I think I'll be flying). Then they can lock it up or whatever when I get there. And I want a journal so I can write in it and even have a keepsake afterwards, of course I don't want any of the TI's putting it on blast.

回答 (2)

2014-03-03 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes you could BUT during BMT all of your civilian stuff is locked away
you can keep a journal as long as you buy a journal book pen or pencil to write with
2014-03-03 8:16 am
Yes you can bring an IPad and a journal to AF BMT!! You can also bring your PS3, living room tv, your dog, and your mom!!

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