My bf of 2 years thinks he might be bisexual?

2014-03-02 11:30 pm
Me and my boyfriend have been happily living together for 2 years. We are 20 and over the last few weeks he's been very withdrawn and distant, doesn't want to have sex. Then he says he thinks he might be bisexual, he wants to be with me, but I don't understand why if he's happy with a women he'd need to say this? And why he wouldn't want to have sex? If he says he's attracted to me. It'd very hard for me to understand and I would find it very difficult to accept it maybe due to my own insure issues. It's really pressurising the relationship and making me upset over how the relationship has changed literally over a few weeks? What do I do ???

回答 (3)

2014-03-03 12:25 am
He probably wants to explore his bi side and feels bad because he knows hes with you and that might hurt you to know that. if you express your support that you'll be there for him no matter what he might open up a lil more and won't be depressed and then break you off a piece
2014-03-02 11:42 pm
"why if he's happy with a women he'd need to say this?"

That's part of the process of acceptance. He's likely been struggling with this himself.

"And why he wouldn't want to have sex?"

Depression or stress can heavily affect a person's libido (sex-drive). This likely has nothing to do with you.

"What do I do ???"

Nothing. He simply admitted to being attracted to both men and women but that doesn't mean his feelings for you have changed, thus there's no reason for your relationship to change nor is there need for any course of action other than to be his girlfriend and support him whenever needed.
參考: You simply know a bit more about him now. That's all.
2014-03-03 1:34 am
At the age of 20, you don't know where you stand as far as your sexual identity is concerned. Your friend is most likely confused, and you are too.
It seems that you are quite open-minded, thought. Try to understand what he is going through and do not provoke him on the issue. Discuss it with him. He most likely is attracted to men, as he is attracted to women, but does not know where he stands. Have you never had yourself the same problem? An attraction to women? Nothing is wrong in such attractions...Just be patient and open minded.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:58:50
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