What do the Quackers teach?; example: Trinity, Jesus being God in the flesh & His virgin birth, Salvation ...?

2014-03-02 9:38 am
.... Jesus physical death and physical resurrection --------- in other words, about the vital Christain teachings. So, far, i haven't found anything that explains what the doctrines are ... even on their websites.

回答 (4)

2014-03-02 10:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
George Fox, in court in October 1650 charged with illegal preaching, urged the Judge, Gervase Bennet to, "tremble at the word of the Lord", the judge replied that the only Quaker in court was Fox, and the nickname stuck.

"Quakers do not share a fixed set of beliefs. Our unity is based on shared understanding and a shared practice of worship, not on our beliefs all being the same. There is no need to be in unity with Quakers on every issue in order to be part of our meetings.

There is a great diversity within the Quakers on conceptions of God, and we use different kinds of language to describe religious experience. Some Quakers have a conception of God which is similar to that of orthodox Christians, and would use similar language. Others are happy to use God-centred language, but would conceive of God in very different terms to the traditional Christian trinity. Some describe themselves as agnostics, or humanists, or non-theists and describe their experiences in ways that avoid the use of the word God entirely. Quaker faith is built on experience and Quakers would generally hold that it is the spiritual experience which is central to Quaker worship, and not the use of a particular form of words (whether that be “God” or anything else)."
2014-03-02 9:42 am
As quackers is a discontinued brand of duck-shaped crackers, they're not likely to teach anything.
參考: .
2014-03-02 10:24 am
They will never do that, since them all those that have faith will say f..k.you. If you want to keep a cult up, keep the dogma a secret. Now, if you want to know what many of those things you relate are about, just go through my answers on those subjects, I can not explain that all to you in that few characters that are allowed to be written here. But let me tell you that all is true and not quakery. Quakery is what is done with it, and that was not foreseen by those who wrote it.
2014-03-02 9:42 am
Quackers? Quakers maybe?
2014-03-02 9:39 am

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