Should I move to Portland Oregon?

2014-03-01 6:07 pm
I was thinking about moving here in a few years. I'm an artsy person and I heard the city is. Is there nightlife and fun things to do? Also does anyone who live there have any pros and cons? I'm from jersey but I'm very laid back and chill compared to a lot of people here and I'm looking for that vibe.

回答 (2)

2014-03-02 11:03 pm
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Nightlife? not really unless it's summertime, but most of the town closes around 10 or 11PM.

It's expensive to live here and it does rain a lot 8 months out of the year.
2014-03-03 8:09 am
There is nightlife but everything closes early around 9 or 10. Everything in oregon is small so if you want to go drinking or dancing you would be in a small building and end up having to go home early. If you love nature and the rain then it would be good for you. Also, if you want to be driving for a long time wasting gas to get somewhere or to another town then oregon would be the place for you since many towns are deserted.

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