What to do? Still any hope?

2014-03-01 5:35 am
So i met a pretty girl on a private study class... She was the first one introduced herself to me. She also asked my pin for BBM. At first i was normal and cool that she had to make first move to text or contact me via bbm... I didn't read it right away because i rarely use bbm... So i replied to her 4-5 days after her first text...

She's actually physically my type but i didn't get my hope high and actually quite confident with myself at that time... After i replied her, turned out we had an agreement to go to class together at the same time. I think that we had quite a chemistry built up... But then i asked quite daring question about her age out of curiosity... Turned out that she is 19 years old while i am 26 years old... She was surprised as me too. I thought that she is 21-22 years old because she looks so mature, she said that she tough i was 23 years old and i look younger. Well after that actually everything still looks normal. I teased her by putting my best picture as profile picture which she said handsome and i replied the same for her picture.

So i had met her total four times in person in three weeks. The rest via message/BBM. I know it still short but i begin to really like her and have high hope. I never ask her birthday or twitter. But then yesterday i got her twitter myself to find more information, i realized then that yesterday was her birthday! So maybe i made mistake that because i want to go out with her and make her day good... I can't tell her happy birthday etc because i don't want her to know that i stalk her twitter which clearly say that i have high interest to her. So i asked that if she want to go to the class that day, but she said she couldn't. I know the reason because it was her birthday but i kept quite. Then i asked her if she would go out with me that day because i was bore.... She suddenly didn't read that part at all until today on BBM... I really like this girl and after a lot of hope given to me , she made me feel that i lose her... I don't know whether that she make that love trick play or if i really lose her... So i am confuse right now...

回答 (1)

2014-03-01 5:55 am
As you can tell the age gap Makes a huge difference, she is barely out of high school, at that age a girl doesn't even know what she wants to do with herself, you're on the backside of 30 and way more mature and basically have a 5 to 10 year plan. I imagine she had planned her birthday months in advance, And had a group of friends going out, to where your mature self wanted an intimate dinner, again way too big an age gap here, I see zero hope in this ever happening. When she told you at the very beginning she thought you were much younger than you truly are you should have guessed right then and there there was a big red flag 🚩
參考: Better luck next time 💋

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