Please help ...性騷擾問題...

2014-02-28 7:10 pm
男上司與女下屬於討論會議時 (只有兩人, 無其他人在場), 談及一些關於工作上溝通問題時女下屬突然情緒失控, 放聲大哭, 男上司慌忙出言安慰, 及以手輕拍女下屬背部及觸及頭髮, 後來情緒平復後, 男上司對整喊該同事作出公開道歉. 及後, 女下屬到平機會控告上司性騷擾...

以上案例, 女下屬是否可以向男上司民事索償? 定罪成功率大唔大? 罪款大約多少?


回答 (2)

2014-03-01 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes.

2. No - The reason is the Plaintiff (the female subordinate) must convince the court that at least 51% of chance that such harassment has taken place.

Based on the information now, it is now 50%-50%.

3. None at this moment as there is no enough evidence to show such harassment has taken place.
2014-02-28 8:25 pm


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