I am scared the police will shoot and kill my dog?

2014-02-28 2:43 am
I am so scared that they will kill my dog. I was sent this link: http://filmingcops.com/tag/animal-abuse/ and I cannot stop sobbing. How do I calm down, what do I do?

回答 (9)

2014-02-28 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Take a nice warm bubble bath and drink some chamomile tea. These incidents are exceedingly rare, nothing to worry about. There are lots of scary things in the world and if you concentrate on them you'll drive yourself nuts -- so don't. Just resolve to be kind to yourself and not get upset unless you have a real, present, and serious reason.
2014-02-28 4:55 am
There are a lot of circuimstances in that video. I have seen that video before and the guy had time to get his dog put away. The dog attacked a cop and so it got shot. As long as your dog isn't attacking cops or other people it isn't going to get shot.
2014-02-28 3:17 am
What has your dog done, that would make you scared the police will kill it.
You haven't given enough information here for anyone to give you a good solid answer.
2014-02-28 3:00 am
Simple solution: don't do anything illegal, and don't let your dog be a threat to others. Then the police will have no reason to shoot your dog.
2014-02-28 2:52 am
On leash 24/7 unless in a dog park.

Dont do anything to get their attention.

I went through this faze and came to the conclusion that I will shield my dog no matter whaat.

Please pick a better plan though.
2014-02-28 5:05 am
Why would they shoot the dog? Is your dog allowed to run lose? Does it escape the yard and you make up excuses for not keeping it properly contained and its aggressive?

You do realize cops have a right to shoot dogs that are a threat to them and to public safety. There are a lot of people who have a knee jerk reaction to a cop shooting a dog because the aniaml was aggressive but because people are stupid enough to think all dogs are sweet and won't bite they flip out over it

Tazers won't stop a dog and mace won't even slow down an aggressive dog, these people who claim the cop shot the dog are just looking for attention. Their dogs were roaming lose, were aggressive and were a clear threat to the cops and public saftey
2014-02-28 2:45 am
Missing something here, why would the police shot and kill your dog, is it agressive?
2014-02-28 3:57 am
Police don't point out dogs to kill for the fun of it. The owner makes that choice by either doing something illegal or letting a dog that looks aggressive to roam around. Responsible people have nothing to worry about.
2016-11-27 1:52 am
If the cops kill your dog, its YOUR fault as you sound like an irresponsible 9 year old kid

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