Any suggestions for good books?

2014-02-27 7:06 pm
Hi , I need a suggestions for good books , something very interesting and thrilling that you've read before ,I prefer american authors on british authors , because american english might be easier but it doesn't really matter after all.... thanks.

thank you all , appreciated :)

回答 (5)

2014-02-27 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My favorite American authors of thrillers: Dean Koontz, Stephen King
2014-02-28 8:49 am
gone girl
sharp objects
reconstructing amelia
2014-02-28 4:44 am
The hunger games could be for you, its action packed, thrilling and gripping, it will get you very interested, or harry potter, its very imaginative and fascinating
2014-02-28 7:26 am
You will find some inspiration on this site:
2014-02-28 3:17 am
Hunger Games are amazing, depends what you're into because if you like horrors, there's a great book called 'The haunting of Tabitha Grey'. If you like romances then they're are many 'Mills and Boons' books. If you're into actions then there's a good book called 'The Hunger Games' which is actually a trilogy, there are some really awesome books, you could try going to a local library and get many more recommendations...

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