HELP! anorexia recovery: weird eating habit?

2014-02-27 12:35 pm
i know this might sound weird but i have a weird eating habit of:
i care alot about what i eat throughout the day...
like for today, i had a variety of meats, not in big portions but i had them.

breakfast: tuna spread with bread
lunch: chicken breast with rice and beef fried noodles(leftover from lastnight which has no beef in it, only the fried noodles)
tea: a pancake with bacon slices
dinner: pork chops with rice

the problem is i feel like i cannot have too many kinds of meat a day.
i treat tuna spread as fish, and i assumed myself that i had beef as well.because the fried noodles were leftovers with it..., and for bacon i treat that as another kind of meat, classified as preserved ive eaten fish, chicken, beef, pork and preserved meat today! and im feeling bad as usual... with no reason

im apparently on the path of anorexia recovery and im doing good
eating lots of carbs and stuff...whats wrong with me in this weird eating habit? can anyone help me..? is this ana trying to pull me back into her trap?

回答 (2)

2014-02-27 3:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That sounds like your anorexic mind talking to you. Mention it to someone you trust?
2014-02-27 9:16 pm
don't understand what you are asking or what the problem is? you seem to be eating a variety to meats and carbs.

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