2014-02-28 4:16 am


回答 (5)

2014-02-28 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

English language I know some,
Not too hard and just for fun.
Good students study hard,
Lazy ones will never start,
I like many am happy here,
Sharing my English with friends,
Hoping that they will say thanks.

2014-02-28 11:41:36 補充:
Eight line version:
English language I know some,
Not too hard and just for fun.
Good students study hard,
Lazy ones will never start,
I like many am happy here,
Sharing my English with friends,
Hoping that they will say thanks
Even if the poem has to end.

2014-02-28 20:28:32 補充:
Like many contributors, I am happy here.....
2014-02-28 9:37 pm
意I思A 解答了 Jenkin 的疑問。

2014-02-28 6:11 pm
詩的主題要用E N G L I S H作為開首字母(但ENGLISH只得七個字母如何作八句呢)係咪誤會了。
2014-02-28 5:07 pm
"English" Poem on Create with 7 lines pattern stanza.
Eternal exhibits artists do all create
New design in booth which can move
Going further in prototypes of Love
Loudly praised as gates of gate
In pain the Robot aluminium cans await
She picks herself up a can by way
Her such pulling down the Robot in collapsing state !
2014-02-28 9:52 am
English poem
Earth was created by God and the same as other living creatures;.
Nature was full of clouds, lightening and thunders;
God was almighty and creating Heaven, earth, creatures and mandkinds ;
Like Adam and Eve stole the apple then ate it for the sake of suspicious;
In God's words "They who ate the apple should be punished";
Sun came out when fierce seawave subsided then Noah was safe;
His almighty God was again giving blessings to Noah and offsprings;
This was the history written down in the Scripture by ancient prophets;
參考: Myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:31:55
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