
2014-02-27 1:37 am
Family or friends - which are more important? Give your opinion on this question. Why would you choose family and why would you choose friends?

回答 (4)

2014-02-27 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
In me friends are more important because I talk with friends about all my sadness but i don't tell my family cause I don't want them to think too much about me .Although I think friends are more important family is also important too your mother and father bring you to the world and let you see all the thing and meet you friends .So if you use this for doing a homework you need to think about which one you think is important the one who chat with you ,or the one who bring you to the world
參考: myself
2014-03-03 4:29 am
I think family is more important.Because family is always near you if you have
some not happy or sad you can talk with them all the time.But, your friend
maybe they not want to talk with you because some alse.Another reason,is
maybe your are bad,thet told you to talk drugs or do bad things.I think your
family will not told you to do that.So, i think family is more important.
2014-02-28 6:12 am
I thick friends are more important.It is because if you have problems,your friends can help me.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:57:57
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