Audio Listening Question

2014-02-26 9:47 am
Could anyone visit the website below and listen to the audio of Happy Folks? I have listened to this audio for many times but I still fail to listen some words. Also, I am not sure whether I hear the words the speaker said accurately. Could anyone correct my notes below and fill in the missing words? Thank you very much!

Here is the website:

This satisfied sculpture is called Happy Folks. My work usually reflect the daily life of people. That’s why I use imitation of sandstone to create sculpture to produce some more natural texture. These sculpture have been played separated in two groups at two different spots and the garden. Some of the people are sitting, some standing, some carrying rattan basket, while some are talking on their mobile phones. Although they all have different postures, they _____be comfortable and relax and that can be seen by their facial and body expressions. Most of my sculptures have _____curve圓渾的線條 and the figure I made usually full body. This is partly due to the influence of British sculpture Henry Moore (亨利摩爾) who use sculpture and inspired me when I am a young student. My works are also partly inspired by the _____ female figure from the from the _______ I am particularly form the flowing line around the shapes. I said it give me a sense of stability, ease and comfort. (中國唐朝女俑的豐腴造型所影響, 特別鍾情圓渾的造型同流暢的線條, 因為佢俾我安穩同閒適的感覺)When I create my sculpture, I usually find myself very calm and relaxed. How did you feel when looking at my sculpture?

回答 (1)

2014-02-26 4:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Audio-visual listening must have video-disc equipment as study aids:-
(1)are to
(4)physical posture.
Keep up your good work.

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