
2014-02-26 12:40 am
I watched a movie from 8:00am to 10:00am last Tuesday. While I was watching
the movie, my sister was sleeping. I watched the same movie from 7:00pm to 9:00pm last Thursday. When my sister cried, I was watching it.


回答 (4)

2014-02-26 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
When my sister cried, I was watching it.
When I was watching it (the movie), my sister cried.

While 和 When連接都有次序的,while發生中或when發生時跟的事都要是先出現或已出現,另一事才出現。
2014-02-26 9:47 am
文法有無錯取決於你既意思, 你要用中文寫返個意思出黎, 先幫到你,

首先係, 時間仔細到 8:00am 至 10:00 am 對於全段文字, 沒有什麼大作用, 基本上可以改成 早上, 或者刪去
第二, 點解唔比埋個電影名呢?

I was watching a movie last Tuesday morning while my sister was sleeping.
While I was watching it again last Thursday night, my sister was crying.

I was watching a movie while my sister was sleeping.
While I was watching it again, my sister was crying.
2014-02-26 1:48 am
I was watching a movie from 8:00am to 10:00am last Tuesday. While I was watching the movie, my sister was sleeping. When I was watching the same movie from 7:00pm to 9:00pm last Thursday, I heard my sister was crying.
2014-02-26 1:43 am
大致上ok, 不過有d地方可以修改吓.

"I watched the same movie from 7:00pm to 9:00pm last Thursday."
I watched the same movie again from...
I watched the movie again from...

"When my sister cried, I was watching it."
Cry呢個動作通常唔會係靜係cry 1 吓就停, 係會維持1段時間, 好似watch moives咁
要一個短暫既動作, 可以寫:
"When the doorbell rang, I was watching the moive." (後面寫番the moive好d)
"When my friend called me, I was watching the moive."

如果一定要用sister喊, 你要加begin將佢變成短暫既動作
"When my sister began to cry, I was watching the movie."

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