how to eat frequent without feeling uncomfortably full?

2014-02-24 10:49 am
Before the question, i would like to share my some of my experience... although im not fully recovered yet :)

So apparently im on the path of anorexia recovery...
im 16, 5ft 4 (165cm) and weigh 36kg.
i feel like ive recovered alot by not caring too much about the fat content or calories or carbs blah blah blah... though im still struggling a bit on stuff like "am i eating what i really want?" (this happens soon after i started my recovery is like... i care SO MUCH about what i eat, like REALLY picky... i focus ALOT on my mind about what to eat everyday, to me it was very important what is putting in to my mouth and the taste if its yummy or not and whether im satisfied after eating it.
i know its very weird but this just happens to me... and since i hate wasting food i always tend to finish around 90% of the dish even if its not very delicious... and the problem is i always get guilty after finishing it, end up feeling SUPER moody and mad about myself. because i feel like" for goodness sake i've wasted a chance to eat...why didnt i stop and choose something else that's delicious? ive eaten something RUBBISH! and ive wasted my quota on eating... im going to get all those RUBBISH calories and fat into my body and im going to gain those f*cking weight... the fat does not worth at all!"
after this thought i will always start dieting again for the next few meals in order to "balance" the calories and fats back. this continues until a point when i feel dizzy, light-headed and powerless, this is the time when i feel ive balanced everything out and would allow myself to eat 'normally' again. however, everytime when i meet something not very delicious or when people around me ate the same thing with me and end up saying that its not tasty but ive finished the whole plate, i will feel like ive eaten something rubbish and start the cycle again...)

yeah so this is another issue struggling still sometimes, like a few times a week...
but ive decided and promised my parents i WILL DEFINITELY get well, so im going to do this. I started my recovery path around 10 months ago and its getting better bit by bit... (i think at least) ive been trying my very best not to care about my feelings about 'eating rubbish' and KEEP EATING. At first it was very hard because i get uncomfortably 'full' SO EASILY. but my parents asked my to try eat more everytime to stretch and expand my narrowed stomach. so until now im trying to do this, which is really hard and at one point i nearly throw up last time... but not im getting better. i am.

so yea:) are there any ways to increase my appetite when i have to eat but im not hungry? or feeling full? i wanna be hungry all the time... i wanna eat more... i feel like my body need alot these cuz i know i HAVE TO EAT! i want my menstruation back! i want a normal BMI back!

because i realized how important health is.
because i love my parents.
because i love myself now.

回答 (1)

2014-02-24 12:35 pm
I am scared I am leading on to getting anorexia. Stay strong and keep your mind on recovering :)

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