物理 : 關於動能的問題

2014-02-24 10:50 pm
一名學生利用運動感應器量度自由落體下跌的速度。學生把運動感應器安裝在鐵架上,然後把一個 0.2 kg 的小球從高處由靜止釋放。當小球碰到運動感應器時,小球會垂直下跌並反彈。
圖 1 是實驗中得出的速度 - 時間關係線圖。


(a) 利用圖 1 的資料,求小球跌至地面前的動能。
(b) 若過程中沒有能量散失,利用 (a) 的答案計算小球可反彈至的最高高度。
(c) 若提供小球的位移 - 時間關係線圖,怎樣可測定在不同時間 t 時的機械能是否守恆 ?


回答 (3)

2014-02-25 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) I suppose the unit for velocity on the graph is in "m/s".
Hence, kinetic energy (動能) on reaching the floor
= (1/2).(0.2).(5^2) J = 2.5 J

(b) Assume no energy loss during rebound, by Conservation of Energy,
Gain in potential energy = loss of kinetic energy
i.e. 0.2g.h = 2.5
where h is the maximum height reached by the ball, and g is the acceleration due to gravity, taken to be 10 m/s^2
h = 1.25 m

(c) First assume there is energy conservation (能量守恆), then
(1/2).(0.2)v^2 + (0.2)gh = K
where v is the velocity of the ball at height h, K is a constant
h = K/0.2g - v^2/2g
or h = ho - v^2/2g where ho = K/0.2g, is the height where the ball is released

But v = gt
hence, h = ho - (gt)^2/2g
i.e. h = ho - 5t^2 --------------- (1)

Therefore, if the given displacement-time graph (位移-時間曲線) follows equation (1), energy conservation is verified.

2014-02-27 11:51 pm
2014-02-24 11:12 pm
(a) max(KE) = (1/2) mv² = (1/2) 0.2 * 5² = 2.5J

(b) max(PE) = mgh = max(KE)
0.2 * 10 * h = 2.5
h = 1.25

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