How to make it so that my computer will stop automaticly change my date and time?

2014-02-21 4:56 pm
Its really annoying becuase I just set it to the right date and time then when I come back on my comp after rebooting it the date has changed to December 2005 and my time is wrong as well but I don't know why it does it,

回答 (1)

2014-02-21 5:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What you need to do, my friend, is replace the CMOS battery as the one that's on your motherboard has lost it's ability to hold charge.

Unless you have a particularly old computer, and I don't believe that you do as your BIOS/CMOS date is resetting to 2005, the battery will most likely look like a large watch-type battery. (It will have a few letters and numbers inscribed on it. The most common ones have CR2032 inscribed on them, but some motherboard manufacturers MAY have used a different one.)

They're not expensive, and can be bought at just about any computer store.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:33:14
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