Problems with girls using smart phones?

2014-02-21 3:07 pm
Some people thinks that Steve Jobs invented the I-Phone to enhance the quality of people's life and make the world a better place.


You see: I live in a city where a lot of people owns a smartphone and use them a lot. I think that smart phones cause them to communicate less and less with their friends and families.

I always wanted a girlfriend. But it is very difficult to communicate with them because they are constantly focusing at updating their facebook page, texting their friends... If I approached them and tries to start a conversation, they replied and keep on texting. Some times they don't even know I asked them a question as they are too focused, after some awkward seconds. They asked can you repeats what you said which I find very annoying.

Moreover, if she is having a conversation with me. She will also be looking at her phone which I feel that she had no respect to me.

If I take a girl on a date, she will also be looking at her smart phones all the time. If I bring her to a restaurant, she can sit there looking at her phone not talking to me for half an hour until she orders her food!

How can I pick up girls even if she is looking at her phone?

回答 (6)

2014-02-21 3:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can't and I will admit that his very rude. If I was you I would be straight up and be like I'm not trying to be rude but it would be nice if you put your phone down and talk to me... Just be straight up there's no magic secret of making a girl stop looking at her phone and talk. You gotta tell her
2014-02-21 3:24 pm
They aren't interested in you
2014-02-21 3:19 pm
I agree completely
My motto is "HANG UP AND LIVE"
If she has her face in the phone when she is with you, she is being rude. Ask her to put it away. If she doesn't find someone who respects you
2014-02-21 3:18 pm
man, don't blame it for your situation.

because, I have my smartphone and girlfriend as well.

does it sound amazing!!! for you?

No, it is possible.

just, those poor women didn't recognize the man who can be the best for their life.

And let's call them idiot from now on.

Just hang in there till you find "SMART" girl.

And, don't miss the chance to make your life better by using "SMART" phone.
2014-02-21 3:14 pm
stay away from women like that. People who feel the need to constantly need to be on their phone, especially updating facebook statuses will be distant and prefer to live in the "digital world" There is nothing more aggravating than trying to have a coversation and the person you are talking to are on their phone. There were times where I was driving with my girlfriend and I was trying to talk and she is just trolling facebook statuses and not listening to me. I literally took her phone and threw it in the back of the car. Needless to say, she does not do it anymore. It is rude and disrespectul to do. Just keep looking. There are people out there interested in living in the real world.
2014-02-21 3:24 pm
Hi Jack,

Clearly the only explanation is that Steve Jobs is pranking you from behind the grave by inhabiting the body of every girl you try to make a move on. He's a well-known spiritual prankster and will only respond to you standing up to him. I recommend holding a seance to call his spirit to our world from the nether-realm and tricking him into sitting on a woopie cushion, or having the Ghostbusters suck him up into a vacuum full of helium so his voice sounds funny. There's no talking to bullies like him and it's the only way he'll learn.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:28:07
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