
2014-02-21 9:32 pm
Could anyone help the following question that came out when I was writing a article. Many thanks.

1.My father threatened to withhold pocket money (to me) if I cannot make any improvements on my academic work.

Whether (to me) can be omitted? I don't want the sentence too wordy.
Can (s) in "improvement" word be added after any?

2. student can enjoy their reading quietly amid the strong learning atmosphere in library

Whether amid is used correctly?

Are there any good alternatives to the above sentence?

回答 (2)

2014-02-22 12:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rephrase 過這兩句, not that wordy.

1. My father threatened to withhold my pocket money until I improve on my academic work.

2. Students can enjoy reading quietly in a library which provides an atmosphere conducive to learning.

"improvement" can be countable or uncountable noun
any improvement ~ improvement (進步) 當 abstract noun 使用
Are you making some improvements to your house? (多方面改善, countable noun)

withhold (transitive verb) = to deliberately not give something to someone
AdsfeAsf 你說得對, .... withhold giving pocket money ...是多餘 (redundant)

First Conditional
This is also known as likely or possible conditional.
If ... present simple ........., ...will/won't + infinitive.....

If I don't make any improvement on my academic work, my father will withhold my pocket money.
(暗示父親已經 threatened 過)

conducive (adjective) = 有益于的,有助于

Teachers need to create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning.

2014-02-22 12:37 am
首先單加入to me是錯寫的句子結構,可能由於你用中文思考的組織來寫,感覺上withhold(不發)…to me(給我)很合文法,好像動詞是withhold而pocket money是object加to me才完整。但在這句表達時英文的結構剛好不能這樣,因為動詞是threatened,假如要詳細表示那些pocket money是給你(是否要指明不是給其他人)可以有很多寫法,最簡單是寫…to withhold my pocket money。這裏猶如你主觀地告訴讀者那些pocket money其實是你的。當然客觀點看那些pocket money仍未是你的,仍需由父親給的話,則要寫明「給」(give)這個詞,加上「扣起」(withhold)才能成為意思和結構完整的object clause:My father threatened to withhold giving pocket money to me if … improvement 前加any是可以的,不過你這句用是negative terms 即是寫cannot,cannot make any improvement 意思便是「不能/不成功地有任何進步」就算用中文講也不合理,你意思應該是「不成功地/沒有(cannot)做到(make)一點點(some)進步(improvement)…」或是「沒有(do not)做到(make)任何(any)進步(improvement)…」。當中意思表達微妙的細節無法詳解,但記住當你用any這個詞時要小心它代表的是沒有的東西還是要有的東西(英文這個詞配合不同的動詞和副詞可以是相反的意思。 I can be anyone I want to. = 我能自創一片天(達到我理想的成就)I do not have anyone to trust = 我不能信任任何一個人。

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