how do I find out where they tow a car after a wreck in Katy Texas?

2014-02-20 11:11 pm

回答 (7)

2014-02-21 2:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ask the cops.
2014-02-21 7:24 am
The police report will say where the cars were towed to.
2014-02-21 7:18 am
Go with ^^^
2014-02-21 7:12 am
Call the police station.
2014-02-21 7:12 am
Usually they tow it wherever you tell them to. Call the local police department, whoever showed at the scene, at ask them.
2014-02-21 8:34 am
The police will know, and so will your insurance company. Or if you remember who towed your vehicle, you can ask them. It's not a secret in any case, so nobody has any reason not to tell you.
2014-02-21 7:52 am
Ask the local police.

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