Do you eat all three meals every day?

2014-02-20 8:40 pm
According to you, what you consider the most important meals. Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?

which of these meals may not eat for the good of our health and that meals should not be neglected ever?


It is true that all three meals are important but breakfast and lunch are very necessary. Those who eat less at dinner or not eat at all so you live more you like dinner otherwise. Dinner is not important you should know this. :-)

回答 (8)

2014-02-20 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well to be healthy you should always eat breakfast with plenty of fiber and proteins

lunch isn't all that important but should be eaten nontheless

dinner is the meal you can cut down on if your dead set on a bad meal but eaten properly you should take all three meals.
2014-02-27 2:32 pm
No, I rarely eat breakfast. Which I know is a bad thing to do.
2014-02-22 3:15 am
Nope, I usually eat 2 meals a day, not on purpose
2014-02-20 11:35 pm
Breakfast is the most important because it starts your day. I try to put something in my mouth in the morning even if it's just a danish. I don't like feeling hungry at work.

My favorite meal is really dinner, but I do like a good breakfast once in awhile.
2014-02-20 8:46 pm
I like breakfats the most
But honestly speaking, I eat 4-5 meals daily :D
2014-02-21 12:29 am
Yes, i do. But when they are seems to differ, at times.
2014-02-20 9:41 pm
I do eat three and regard dinner is the most important, then breakfast and a small lunch
2014-02-20 8:45 pm
All are important but I like dinner most. I'm not sure why tho sory

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